Subscribe to and Download Podcasts in the Podcasts App. Open the Podcasts app on your iPhone or iPad. Tap the “Browse” tab to discover new podcasts you might like. If you already have a podcast in mind or someone’s recommended one to you, tap the “Search” tab, and then type the name of the podcast.
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Looking for more great listens? 03/12/2018 With Google Podcasts, you can play the latest episodes from your favorite shows, explore podcast recommendations just for you, and manage your listening activity. Discover podcasts you'll love • Subscribe and listen to all your favorite podcasts for free. • Explore show and episode recommendations just for you. • Browse popular and trending shows in comedy, news, history, music, business With Google Podcasts, you can find and listen to the world's podcasts for free. Podcast - @endosome - 收听播客,现在已经成为我生活里面的一部分。不知道大家都在听什么节目?我的节目如下:日常主要收听的有:英语电台-Freakonomics RadioPlanet money 04/06/2020 For developers, business decision makers, and enthusiasts in the apps and games industry the Apps, Games, & Insights podcast series brings the latest insights, stories, and discussion from industry experts.
• Browse popular and trending shows in comedy, news, history, music, business With Google Podcasts, you can find and listen to the world's podcasts for free. 3. Pocket Casts. Called “the best podcast app for Android in 2021” by Android Central, this podcatcher offers beautiful design, the option to trim silence from your episodes (get through them faster), the ability to stream instead of download (save storage space), and more. 前言RSS 的全称是 Really Simple Syndication,“简易信息聚合”。它把新闻、博客等的标题、摘要和内容按一定要求整理推送,用户通过 RSS 阅读器订阅查看。 我们可以把 RSS 看作是一种信息订阅服务,把经常浏览的… For developers, business decision makers, and enthusiasts in the apps and games industry the Apps, Games, & Insights podcast series brings the latest insights, stories, and discussion from industry experts. Les podcasts sont de plus en plus nombreux et peuvent s'écouter sur de nombreux appareils.
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