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[formal] As a clergyman's son he'd imbibed a set of mystical beliefs from the cradle. [VERB noun] 同义词: absorb, receive, take in, gain imbibe Imbibe!
V-T/V-I To imbibe alcohol means to drink it. 喝; 饮 (酒) [FORMAL, HUMOROUS] Imbibe, Niles, Illinois. 662 likes. Imbibe is a beverage development company in Chicago. Imbibe creates and manufactures beverage flavors, ingredient systems and finished drinks. Imbibe is soon to launch in the UK. We are looking for a selected number of launch bars.
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Updated and Revised Edition: From Absinthe Cocktail to Whiskey Smash, a Salute in Stories and Drinks to ¥106.34 使用我们的 免费Kindle阅读软件. 8 days ago — imbibe的意思、解释及翻译:1. to drink, especially alcohol: 2. to receive and accept information, etc. 3. to drink…。了解更多。 Aug 22, 2017 — 聆聽Rakuten Kobo 有聲書: David Wondrich 的《Imbibe!
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