
Javascript bookmarklet firefox下载webm文件

Credits: Strips all scripts from a page. Strip Script Restore Rightclick. Restores the default function of the alternative mouse button, which is to pop up a contextmenu, on pages where this has been tempered with. diable. Restore Rightclick Get Window Size. Credits:

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Bookmarklets are simple to install. When you hover over a bookmarklet on a web page, you’ll see its address begins with “javascript:”. If you have your web browser’s bookmark or favorites toolbar visible, the easiest way to install a bookmarklet is with drag-and-drop. webm.js 是纯 JavaScript 实现,没有服务端的 JavaScript WebM 编码器,可以在浏览器中创建 WebM 视频。webm.js 是简单的单页应用,允许你转换视频成为 WebM 格式,插入到浏览器中,无需任何插件或者服务端参与。webm.js 基于 FFmpeg,libvpx 和 libopus Javascript面向对象编程(三):非构造函数的继承 (62@2010.05.24) Javascript面向对象编程(二):构造函数的继承 (146@2010.05.23) Javascript 面向对象编程(一):封装 (160@2010.05.17) Javascript 的 this 用法 (89@2010.04.30) 12种不宜使用的Javascript语法 (43@2010.01.03) 2009年 BookmarkletはJavascriptで記述されたプログラムなので、コードを書きましょう。 ありがちなhello worldからいきます。 知っている人は読む必要ないですね。 How to Save your Javascript Bookmarklet to your Web Browser Bookmarks. After you have created the Javascript bookmarklet code, you can save it to your web browser bookmarks so all you have to do is click the bookmark when you are on the web page where you wish to run the Javascript code that is the bookmarklet.

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(PS:如果遇到地址栏输入关键字后弹出空白页的情况,则需要按住 Alt 键再按回车)。. Chrome 浏览器不支持书签 Why have a bookmarklet creator? I think bookmarklets are great! However, it’s a pain to smoosh your JavaScript into one line and properly URI encode everything.

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GitHub Gist URL or ID The URL of the GitHub Gist that contains the JavaScript file to be executed as a bookmarklet. mitmproxy, a nifty SSL-capable HTTP proxy, provides pretty javascript responses (github). wakanda, a neat IDE for web and mobile applications has a Beautifier extension(github).

Javascript bookmarklet firefox下载webm文件

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GitHub Gist URL or ID The URL of the GitHub Gist that contains the JavaScript file to be executed as a bookmarklet. mitmproxy, a nifty SSL-capable HTTP proxy, provides pretty javascript responses (github). wakanda, a neat IDE for web and mobile applications has a Beautifier extension(github). Burp Suitenow has a beautfier extension, thanks to Soroush Dalili, Netbeans jsbeautifyplugin by Drew Hamlett (github).

Javascript bookmarklet firefox下载webm文件

Available now on Windows, Mac, Linux, Android and iOS. I tried that, modifying my bookmarklet to: javascript:document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("script")).src="";void(0) But unsurprisingly, that didn't work for a bookmarklet, as the calling code is still coming from the browser. 编辑 CSS 和 JavaScript。 创建和保存JavaScript的代码段,您可以在任何网页上运行这些代码段。 代码段 类似于 bookmarklet。 调试 JavaScript。 设置 Workspace,以便将你在 DevTools 中所做的更改保存到文件系统上的代码中。 显示文件. 使用 "页面 "窗格显示页面加载的所有 简介 javascript 通信协议是一个伪协议1, 用于指定 URL 为 JavaScript 代码 语法: javascript:someScript; someScript 是一个或多个使用 ; Windows 10 comes with a new browser: Microsoft Edge, but it doesn't support extensions or bookmarklets. Here's a work-around for the second problem. A bookmarklet that changes a page's background color; If you're already familiar with basic JavaScript, the following code should be a cinch-- they're only a few lines of code! The bookmarklets below have been with me for quite some time now and I can't seem to find out where I originally saw them.

)多数浏览器允许用户添加这些JavaScript URL书签,就像添加其他超链接一样。. bookmarklet这个词是由 Steve Kanga 创造的,他也自己开发了许多有用的bookmarklet。. 下面就是一个简单的例子:后退bookmarklet。. 05/12/2015 Enter JavaScript to generate a standard or jQuery bookmarklet. Also known as a bookmarklet builder, creator, generator, or compiler Bookmarklet JavaScript. The source from which the bookmarklet will be created. Bookmarklet JavaScript This is the code that will be executed when the bookmarklet is used.

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Restore Rightclick Get Window Size. Credits: Let’s instead turn that into a bookmarklet: Enter the proper function call in the bookmarklet code section: window.SeaDragon.add() Enter the JS file path as the custom script:; Create the bookmarklet (no jQuery required) Profit!! Lazy? 以「 视频解析下载 」为例,除了用鼠标点击小书签外,我们还可以为小书签设置一个关键字,然后只需要在地址栏输入关键字 “ dl ”(dl 意为 download)就可以一键解析下载视频了。. 同理,将「 VIP视频解析 」设置关键字为 " vip ",也可以快速调用这个小书签。. (PS:如果遇到地址栏输入关键字后弹出空白页的情况,则需要按住 Alt 键再按回车)。.

Javascript bookmarklet firefox下载webm文件

JavaScript另类用法:bookmarklet(书签) 其实在 IE 并没有“书签”这一说法,是在 FireFox 中的称呼,IE中称作“收藏夹”。 我们可以利用这种书签实现很多比较实用而好玩的功能。 02/04/2013 简介 javascript 通信协议是一个伪协议1, 用于指定 URL 为 JavaScript 代码 语法: javascript:someScript; someScript 是一个或多个使用 ; Skryptozakładka (ang. bookmarklet, favlet, favelet) – niewielki skrypt napisany w języku JavaScript przechowywany jako adres URL zakładki w przeglądarce internetowej lub jako adres odsyłacza na stronie internetowej. Skrypt ten uruchamiany jest w momencie kliknięcia takiej specjalnej zakładki. Um bookmarklet é um pequeno programa em JavaScript que é armazenado como uma URL nos Favoritos dos mais populares navegadores ou como hiperligações em páginas da internet.Devido ao Internet Explorer usar o termo favoritos ao invés de marcadores, bookmarklets também são chamados de favlets ou favelets (o termo foi inventado por Tantek Çelik em 6 de setembro de 2001 (email … Is there a javascript bookmarklet to play all videos from a given video's channel on Youtube?Helpful? Please support me on Patreon: https: javascript中怎么换行? 2019-09-02; javascript怎么获取当前时间? 2019-08-14; javascript的基本数据类型有哪些? 2019-08-20; js脚本怎么用? 2019-12-20; js是什么意思? 2019-08-19; javascript如何实现冒泡排序? 2019-08-15; javascript如何删除数组中的元素? 2019-08-14; JavaScript如何判断 How do I install a bookmarklet? To install a bookmarklet, simply: Show the Bookmarks Toolbar by right-clicking control-clicking on an empty section of the Tab Strip and checking Bookmarks Toolbar in the pop-up menu. Drag the bookmarklet from the page to your Bookmarks Toolbar.

There are a couple exceptions: The "Save as" button sends the content of your page to the server. On "Save as PDF," this content is sent to a 3rd party which performs the conversion to pdf. Bookmarklet. A bookmarklet is a bookmark stored in a web browser that contains JavaScript commands that add new features to the browser. Bookmarklets are unobtrusive JavaScripts stored as the URL of a bookmark in a web browser or as a hyperlink on a web page.