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6808. 2 Inorganic 29 Semiotica. 5. by E VERGARA-LEYTON · 2014 · Cited by 5 — Una aproximación semiótica al cartel social en Chile. Graphic as a cultural Artifact. A semiotic approach to social poster in Chile.
Gianfranco Marrone (Milano-Udine: Mimesis, by L Falcón-Díaz-Aguado · 2014 · Cited by 17 — GREIMAS, A.J. & COURTÉS, J. (1982/1986). Semiótica. Madrid: Gredos. GONZÁLEZ-REQUENA, J. (2006). Clásico, Manierista, Postclásico. by G Hu · 2016 · Cited by 9 — Semiotica, 187, 127-139.
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